Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Vegas Baby!

We arrived in Vegas a long time after we left Rockford! We boarded our plane at Chicago O'Hare airport after the usual full body inspection (SSSS Security check) expecting to be in Vegas 3hrs later. Shortly after getting on the plane, the pilot advised us that our plane was broken and they were looking for a replacement for us. Eventually (like an hour later) they found a plane so we all had to get off and board a new plane.

Mc Carran Airport was pretty cool - slot machines as soon we got out of our arrival gate - a cool train to the baggage area and then a quick taxi ride into town.

Sheryl has blogged about this already so I won't go on - heaps more photos to show you that we haven't uploaded to Flickr.

The place was huge, it is setup to cater for thousands and thousands of people every day. The casinos and hotels are massive with thousands of rooms at each place. The streets were clean, heaps of people everywhere but everyone was chilled out and having a good time. I really liked it.

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