Friday, August 03, 2007

The First Real web-based word processor

I've been following the progress of Virtual Ubiquity pretty closely . They have just flicked the switch on Preview 4 of Buzzword. You can now import and export Word 2003 Docs in XML format. I think this is the tipping point in functionality for the wider community to realise these guys are hot property.

So I tried opening a word doc and it just worked, the layout wasn't too challenging but it was perfect on my screen, in my browser with auto version control and the ability to invite anyone to view and make changes.

Virtual Ubiquity have just removed the biggest barrier from stopping us all from using this online word processor. Sure I use Word at work but now I can safely transport documents both ways so now I can use Buzz word all the time and not have to worry about my work mates not been able to read my documents.

A few UI tweaks have been made as well which improve the all round usability of the app.

I'll keep you posted on how I get on using it this week.

Nice one Virtual Ubiquity.

Update - haven't done a lot of word processing this week - but have found that Buzz word really spoils you - I can't wait for an equivalent spreadsheet or presentation maker - viewing powerpoints via Gmail just doesn't cut it. I'd really like to see a hybrid all in one but I guess Virtual Ubiquity are best to just to stick to their core offering for now and really refine what they've got.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have been using Buzzword for a while, and I love it!