Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The real world

It must be pretty exciting being a student in Wellington at the moment as we have a number of internet/software companies doing cool things - definately a lot happening to distract you from actually doing any work.

So how are you going to get noticed by these guys? Well for a start you've got to be good at what you do. There's no better way than just having a crack at something and then tapping a few people on the shoudler. The cool thing about Wellington IT companies is that the people running them are really approachable people. They've all been in your shoes and know what its like at the bottom of the ladder.

So the first company on your list that you should get to know is our local town hero - Trademe. And how are you going to do that? Easy, start reading Rowan Simpson's blog - I've let him know that there's a bunch of 3rd year students at Vic studing ASP.NET that are really keen to push the limits. He's kindly offered to have a go at answering any curly questions we might have.
Trademe is NZ's busiest website and runs on ASP.NET - so completely relevant.

I'll introduce you to some more cool companies each week as we start to ramp things up.


Unknown said...

Have just been looking at your blog and though I would drop you a quick line. Thanks for your enthuasim in the workshop today, its great having a tutor who has a real passion for what they do! Im looking forward to getting really stuck into ELCM351

Tony Rule said...

Always good to get feedback so keep it coming (good or bad!). I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with for your projects.