Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2007 - a different year for me

Well its been a while since my last post so here goes...

2007 is going to be a different one for me and many probably haven't seen my face around at local UP events for a while.

I'm going to start tutoring part-time at Victoria University from March. I'll be amongst the action , tutoring 2nd and 3rd year students in ELCM and INFO.

With the rest of my time I'll be working on improving my fitness (so that includes lots of bike riding, running and plenty of windsurfing).

I'll post again soon. Feel free to touch base with me, tony.rule@gmail.com if you want to pick my brains on anything.


bennn said...

Great to hear that you're looking after yourself man. :)

Have a long break (as I'm doing) - and let some ideas germinate.

And put a video camera on your windsurf! Upload to youtube yo. ;)

Sudipta Das said...

There’s more to life than just study and exams: the Student Life web page has links to a wide range of information on student clubs, living in Wellington and arts and culture at Victoria.

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